Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting is held in June every year where the members of JSWA are given a business report, requested for approval on budget and financial performance, and offers awards for outstanding achievement. At the same time, it discusses important problems submitted by members to facilitate sewage works and to lobby relevant parties.
Annual General Meeting is held in June every year where the members of JSWA are given a business report, requested for approval on budget and financial performance, and offers awards for outstanding achievement. At the same time, it discusses important problems submitted by members to facilitate sewage works and to lobby relevant parties.

Sewage Works Development Meeting
Sewage Works Development Meeting is held during the period when the national budget is compiled, and attended by many Diet members and government personnel as well as representatives of citizens.
Sewage Works Development Meeting is held during the period when the national budget is compiled, and attended by many Diet members and government personnel as well as representatives of citizens.

Sewage Works Contest
JSWA solicits for posters, essays, catchphrases and calligraphy concerning sewage works.
JSWA solicits for posters, essays, catchphrases and calligraphy concerning sewage works.

Supporting Related Organizations
JSWA works closely with such organizations as Prefectural Council of Regional Sewerage Systems, National Federation of Regional Sewerage Systems Promotion Councils, National Council of Municipal Sewage Promotion and National Council of Sewage Works Business Organizations.
JSWA works closely with such organizations as Prefectural Council of Regional Sewerage Systems, National Federation of Regional Sewerage Systems Promotion Councils, National Council of Municipal Sewage Promotion and National Council of Sewage Works Business Organizations.

Awarding Achievement
JSWA awards at its Annual General Meeting every year those individuals and organizations that have contributed to the promotion of sewage works. Based on national or local accomplishments or years of service rendered, the Association presents various kinds of "Sewage Awards."
JSWA awards at its Annual General Meeting every year those individuals and organizations that have contributed to the promotion of sewage works. Based on national or local accomplishments or years of service rendered, the Association presents various kinds of "Sewage Awards."