Sewage Works in Japan
- ・Watershed Management Approach
- ・A variety of Works
- ・The Implementation Structure
- ・Financial Resources
- ・Spreading Sewerage Systems in Every Corner of Japan
- ・Advancement of Wastewater Treatment
- ・Reduction and Reuse of Sewage Sludge: Sludge Can Be Turned into Various Materials
- ・Storm water Control Measures: Creating Flood-Resistant Cities
- ・Improvement in the Combined Sewer Overflow Control
- ・More Uses for Reclaimed Water
- ・Effective Use and Efficient Management of Sewerage Systems
- ・Rehabilitation and Point Repair of Facilities
- ・International Cooperation in Sewage Works(ODA)
- ・Contributions to the Planning and Construction of Sewage Works
- ・History of Sewage Works in Japan
- ・Useful Web Sites on Sewage Works in Japan