From the latter half of the 1950s, it became a social problem that aggravation of living environment and water pollution in public water body with rapid growth of industrial economy. With the background of such a social situation, Sewerage division of Japan Water Service Association and gNational Sewage Works Development Conferenceh were integrated and developed into Japan Sewage Works Association in April 1964. JSWA got a permission of the public interest corporation in January,1965 and began the activities in full-scale with public organizations as regular members. The Associationfs objectives are to develop sewerage services soundly with conducting researches on sewerage systems and to preserve public water body for improving peoplefs life. As a network organization of the sewage works as a whole, JSWA carries out a wide range of activities to promote sewage works between public organizations implementing and planning sewage works and National government, related organizations, enterprises as well as civics.